June 29, 1863

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September 27, 1863


Winchester Va  July 8,  1863

My Dear Wife

I have just goten here this eavning and had my wound drest. I got wounded last Wednesday (July 1) and started from getersburg (Gettysburg) on Saturday and traveled day and night for 4 days and 3 night. I sufferd agreat deal riding in a wagon but I stood it out & my wound is not daingerous  I hope it is a flesh wound in my right thy.  Lutenant W. R.(William B.) Stuart got killed on the same day I got shot  W.(William) West got his left arm broke and it had to be amputated pore fellow suffers a greatdeal.  my dear I received your kind and affectionate letter on thursday July 2, 1863 and was happy to hear from you and my little children and also all my relations and friends.  I  had a letter ritten to send to you could not find  I now write you this little note and send them both



